Dapur Teruna | SAMBAL

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Special entry..

Why special entry? first because its in bbroken English and second because i made this entry for those who reguest the sambal recipe.

I just suggest this blog if somone need the SAMBAL recipe.


Why sambal? I wish i know the answer. All my friends here in Hofuf addicted to sambal. One by one are learn how to make sambal. Their try to search the dried chili every where. Hik..
Lucky i bring from Malaysia.


Its spicy but all of them keep eating even their face turn red and the nose start drooling.(Macam salah je ayat aku). Their fall in love with The special taste of sambal

well this is the recipe...



1. Dried Chili- 8-10 chili equal to 1 big purple onion *
2.Garlic- 3-4*
3-Ginger- 1/2 cm *option*
4- Purple Onion -1 *

How to cook

1- Soak dried chili in hot water for 30 mins until it soft and watch it under tap water to remove the seed. Also can boil it to make it soft.
2. Blend all * ingredient with 1/2 cup water untill it really smooth.
3. Heat 1/2 cup to 1 cup of oil(depends on blend ingredient) and cook the blend ingredient until the water dry and oil is on top of the SAMBAL as know as evaporate.
4. Sugar and salt is option. If wanna keep the sambal to use later, no need to put sugar and sambal.


5. Once well coo, we can add all the ingredients like seafood,chicken etc.
6. For me, Egg sambal can make either boil egg or fried egg. Depends on what we like. Fish have to fry first.
7. Once all the main ingredient inside,now we can add sugar and salt.
8. Ready to be serve.

Haaaaa ko mampu nak menulis dalam omputih. Ayat tunggang terbalik. Grammar letak kat lutut. Tu je la mampu. hahaha

Gambar pun sendu-sendu ayam je sebab pakai handphone saja. Malas nak guna kamera. Besar tak tahap malas tu?

LH cuba yang terbaik ok nak bagi deme2 ni pandai buat sambal. Tapi yang bestnya nak juga ubah sambal tu jadi manis. Kuikuikui.. Orang filipin kan tak makan pedas.

Well selamat mencuba hokey dokey.

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